◾ Tradable MiscItem Values
Complete list of RAP trade values and prices for MiscItems in Pet Simulator 99. View value history information, current values and RAP averages.

Adoption Token

Adoption Token Boost
RAP $1,750

Advanced Axe

Advanced Fishing Rod

Amethyst Fishing Rod

Amethyst Gem
RAP $142,877

Amethyst Shovel

Angel Feather

Arcade Token
RAP $10,601

Backrooms Key

Banana Peel

Basic Coin Jar
RAP $21

Basic Glitch Core
RAP $166,837

Basic Item Jar
RAP $18,502

Black Hole Cannon
RAP $228,062,582

Blue Christmas Ornament
RAP $6,550

Bluesteel Shovel

Boost Exchange Cape

Booth Slot Voucher
RAP $10,111

Breakable Sprinkler
RAP $712

Breakables Cape

RAP $20,047

Bucket O' Magic
RAP $32,978

Bucket O' Paint