Marketplace Stats and new items

Pet Simulator 99 pets, eggs and items overview. Latest top items, pets and eggs, and biggest marketplace gains and losses.

Newest Pets

Name Basic RAP
Kaiju Hydra $10,393,411
Titanic Kaiju Moth $28,608,100,057
Titanic Abyss Carbuncle $6,594,595,905
Huge Mining Raccoon $22,281,369
Huge Abstract Dominus $54,541,375
Huge Kaiju Hydra $14,217,436,239
Huge Kaiju Sea Dragon $98,368,233
Huge Fragmented Golem $1,536,969,267
Huge Crystal Spider $310,097,942
Huge Mining Penguin $29,034,262
Gargantuan Kaiju King $0
Gargantuan Hellish Axolotl $0
Kaiju Volcano $4,451,562
Abstract Dominus $2,698,255
Crystal Bat $167
Mining Raccoon $1,525
Crystal Spider $691
Mining Penguin $13,173
Abyss Carbuncle $30,583,263
Minecart Hamster $401,396
Jungle Golem $6,365
Fragmented Golem $32,938
Kaiju Sea Dragon $4,521,631

Newest Items

Name RAP
Merchants - MiningMerchant may not be tradeable
MiscItems - Sapphire Gem $794
MiscItems - Ruby Gem $4,031
MiscItems - Emerald Gem $32,936
MiscItems - Amethyst Gem $182,560
MiscItems - Rainbow Gem $3,145,321

Biggest Gains

Average 24 hours compared against previous 24 hours.
Name RAP Gain
Pets - Bleebo The Alien $3,934 471%
Potions - Treasure Hunter Potion I $644,365 328%
Pets - Pastel Griffin $65 326%
Pets - Rainbow Wild Fire Agony $1,478 239%
Pets - Crystal Bat $167 235%
Pets - Emerald Owl $278 221%
Pets - Golden Huge Evil Snowman $342,973,156 182%
Pets - Rainbow North Pole Unicorn $2,964 176%
Pets - Rainbow Pot of Gold Cat $20,098 160%
Pets - Hacked Computer $2,276 147%
Pets - Mantis Shrimp $463 142%
Pets - Shiny Rainbow Clover Griffin $28,288 138%
Enchants - Tap Teamwork $111 133%
Pets - Golden Crystal Spider $210,896 129%
Pets - Mining Penguin $13,173 117%
Pets - Graffiti Raccoon $50 100%
Pets - Rainbow Clover Peacock $1,155 99%
Pets - Golden Huge Party Crown Corgi $662,376,782 98%
Pets - Shiny Huge Festive Elf $564,906,338 97%
Pets - Love Cow $28 96%
Pets - Nuclear Mortuus $3,618 91%
Pets - Angelus $2,090 91%
Pets - Rainbow Player Gecko $284 90%
Charms - Coins Charm $1,231 90%
Enchants - Shiny Supercharge $6,783,364 88%

Biggest Drops

Average 24 hours compared against previous 24 hours.
Name RAP Drop
Pets - Ladybug $4,511,015 -9295%
Enchants - Magnet III $6,292 -2514%
MiscItems - Amethyst Gem $182,560 -1506%
Pets - Golden Crystal Bat $520 -1289%
Pets - Shiny Huge Mining Raccoon $1,043,520,834 -1174%
MiscItems - Emerald Gem $32,936 -804%
Pets - Huge Ladybug $57,797,492 -695%
Pets - Golden Minecart Hamster $1,525 -591%
Pets - Shiny Crystal Bat $3,642 -567%
Pets - Leprechaun Dog $308 -506%
Pets - Shiny Rainbow Crystal Bat $23,377 -504%
Pets - Rainbow Diamond Dragon $826 -486%
Pets - Flamortuus $255 -416%
Pets - Golden Huge Strawberry Cow $124,265,894 -386%
MiscItems - Rainbow Gem $3,145,321 -378%
Pets - Shiny Minecart Hamster $25,363 -357%
Pets - Lucki Tiger $87 -346%
Pets - Rainbow Huge Mining Raccoon $82,072,847 -329%
Pets - Shiny Crystal Spider $41,703 -285%
Pets - Golden Huge Pastel Deer $129,072,414 -283%
Pets - Rainbow Huge Mining Penguin $62,957,704 -280%
Pets - Huge Mining Penguin $29,034,262 -278%
MiscItems - Sapphire Gem $794 -269%
Pets - Apollo Raven $379 -260%
Pets - Holiday Hedgehog $98 -257%